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[vdr] Re: Running command at shutdown

On Fri, 18 Jun 2004, Brian Dorling (BD) wrote:

BD> Sergei,
BD> is that just during the execution, or also after the execution too?

after the execution of the shutdown script, VDR returns to normal 

BD> I also thought about starting this script out of runvdr, before starting
BD> VDR itself. And then having the script wait 20 secs before doing its actual
BD> processing.

sorry if I misunderstood you, but I thought, we are talking about the 
shutdown script. 

of course you can start a script from runvdr by something like
   echo /path/to/script | at +20sec  
and hope that VDR will be running after that 20 seconds. 

From within runvdr you can execute a script using SVDRP at any time.
Therte is also no need to put it into background.

c ya
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