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[vdr] Extending VDR's cDevice -- Looking for assistance


the attached patch extends VDR's cDevice. The new method Flush() is expected to wait a certain amout of time for the device to drain it's buffers.

I've added this method for vdr-xine, because xine's buffers are quite large and it was quite annoying to loose e. g. 16 seconds at the end of a radio recording (with xine's default buffer settings) when VDR hit the end of the recording and switched back to live TV, where I send a 'discard buffers' command to xine.

This method could also improve the dvd plugin: I've often realized, that there is a sequence like that, when an DVD menu is to be shown:


Typically, the still image wasn't shown, as it still stuck in xine's buffers, and the 'Clear' was already issued.

Ok, back to VDR. Klaus got already my patches, and I assume they are part of the next VDR release. But as I don't have a full featured card, I couldn't provide a better solution for cDvbDevice::Flush() than simply 'return true;'.

I would be very glad, if someone could provide an implementation of this method for a full featured card.

Dipl.-Inform. (FH) Reinhard Nissl

Attachment: vdr-1.3.10-flush.patch.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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