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[vdr] Re: "error opening pipe"

On Saturday 19 June 2004 11:16, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
> Guido Fiala wrote:
> > whats the reason for those "error opening pipe" OSD-messages in vdr?
> >
> > using vdr 1.2.6 + analogtv 0.9.27
> The only error message in that direction is "Error while opening pipe!"
> (please do always quote the _exact_ error message text).


> This comes from the 'find' command that tries to scan the recordings
> directory. Maybe there is no 'find' command on your system?

find is there and working, can it be a timing problem or is it maybe a problem 
with my filesystem?

Just before this happens (2 times yesterday, nothing obviously changed at the 
system) i can select some recording in vdr and press play, but the screen 
stays black, hitting "ok" does not display a progress bar, it seems like the 
recording can't be accessed.

After restarting just vdr it worked again but reappeared.


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