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[vdr] Re: VDR pidfile

Roland Behme schrieb:
>Hi Dennis,
>> Maybe this script can help you, i haven't test it:
>I knew this script already, (it's from the ebuild, I think) but it
>does not write a PID-file either.
>Any other suggestions?

Maybe you want to try my runvdr replacement:

It does not write VDRs pid into a file (though it would be simple to add
that) but instead it has an option to write its own pidfile and you may
send it a SIGTERM to shutdown VDR (and the script) or a SIGHUP to kill
VDR and thereby causing a driver reload and VDR restart.

The script is intended to be fully configurable via parameters, so there
is (hopefully) no need to modify the script itself to fit it to ones

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