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[vdr] problems with radio recordings: timing errors, ac3 hickups


for a long time I still used VDR 1.1.19 (+patches) on that system
and thought, that those problems have been corrected already -
but they are not (now using 1.3.11 vanilla+AC3overDVB on a 2 card
DVB-C dual celeron 366 system):

1. "cosmetical", but disturbing nevertheless:
   during replay the timing (total and current) is wrong for
   radio (audio only) recordings. For (MP2+)AC3 recordings
   (see below), the time display is factor 1.5 of the real
   one, for normal 2 channel MP2 recordings it's less
   than the real time and seems to be bitrate dependant.

2. Every second Friday morning "Bayern 4 Klassik" is broadcasting
   surround classics (converted SACD discs) as Dolby Digital
   (and MP2) for two hours within the "ARD Nachtkonzert".
   I've done a couple of recordings - with vdr 1.1.19, not 1.3.11
   yet. Apart from the timing problem, I get artefacts when
   replaying the ac3 part of those recordings vial AC3overDVB
   even with 1.3.11: There are "hickups" (short breaks), non
   reproducable when playing the same area again, so they are
   not in the recording itself. Frequency is "load" dependant.
   Having a recording going on makes it worse, doing a
   "cat file.vdr > /dev/null" before a bit better (at least
   if file fits into buffer cache).
   I recut a recording with 1.3.11, the result differs (it's
   bigger?) - but the problem persists.
   Hickups not experienced in MP2 recordings, nor when listening
   to live ac3 in transfer mode.
   I'll see if the situation changes when 1.1.13 does the
   recording, but that'll have to wait until the next broadcast
   in 12 days - and I doubt that it helps.

(A third problem with radio recordings is gone in 1.3.11:
jumps ("7"/"9") had been very slow.)

Any help (especially on 2.) is appreciated,


  _              |  Lutz Pressler          |  Tel: ++49-551-3700002
 |_     |\ |     |  Service Network GmbH   |  FAX: ++49-551-3700009
 ._|ER  | \|ET   |  Bahnhofsallee 1b       |   mailto:lp@SerNet.DE
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