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[vdr] debuging-output for the (dvb)card in use ...


i am one of the famous "video data stream broken" people and want to get more
info out of vdr in case of such an event ... sadly the source of vdr is to
complex for me ...

i want to know, when an recording in an multicard-setup is started and if an
"data stream" breaks, on which card is it happend,  at best in syslog ...

there is the function cRecordingUserCommand::InvokeCommand
in which the syslog entry for a recording is generated, and i know where all
the other events, i am interested in, are logged, but in which variable is the
card number (used for this operation) stored? 

in which function happens the allocation for the devices (which recording
starts on which card, epg-scan took which card .. and so one ...)

maybe somebody (klaus at best ;-) ) can help me here out :-)

mfg hermann

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