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[vdr] Re: Softdevice 0.0.7pre2 crash w/ DFB, CLE266

Stefan Lucke wrote:

mode "1280x1024-60-32"
    # D: 108.00 MHz, H: 63.981 kHz, V: 60.02 Hz
    geometry 1280 1024 1280 1024 32
    timings 9260 248 48 38 1 112 3
    hsync high
    vsync high

So you should add "pixelformat=ARGB" /etc/directfbrc to differ
between your fb.modes
I added this one (quite the same as the one reported by fbset just after module loading). The "Supported video Modes" list report that mode (I commented out the other ones).

But the problems persists...

[dfb] RAM: 67108864 bytes

--> this value is not the same as yours (I changed the "allocated AGP RAM" in the BIOS), but it doesn't seem to be very important (some poeple report that with less than 32MB, the viafb kernel module doesn't initialize).

[dfb] Accellerated Functions: FillRectange DrawRectange DrawLine FillTriangle Blit StretchBlit All
[dfb] Drawing Flags: Blend Xor
[dfb] Surface Blitting Flags: BlendAlpha BlendColorAlpha Colorize SrcColorkey DstColorkey Deinterlace
[dfb] Supported video Modes are: 1280x1024@32
[dfb] Enumeratig display Layers
Layer 0 FBDev Primary Layer Type: graphics
Caps: brightness contrast saturation surface
Layer 1 VIA Unichrome Video Type: graphics picture video
Caps: deinterlacing dst_colorkey opacity screen_location surface
This is our videoLayer
(!!!) *** WARNING [no video mode set yet] *** [../../../src/core/layers.c:536 in dfb_screen_rectangle()]
uc_overlay: color-keying is disabled
Layer 2 VIA Unichrome DVD Subpicture Type: graphics picture video
Caps: opacity surface
uc_overlay: color-keying is disabled
[dfb] width = 1280, height = 1024
[dfb] got fmt = 0x00418c04 bpp = 32
[dfb] Using this layer for OSD: (FBDev Primary Layer - [768x576])

--> all this is the same as your log (AFAICS)

- videoonly
- flipping
- videoonly
[dfb] Configuring CooperativeLevel for Overlay
[dfb] Configuring ColorKeying
uc_overlay: color-keying is disabled
[dfb] Configuring CooperativeLevel for OSD
[dfb] Using this layer for OSD: FBDev Primary Layer
[dfb] Using this layer for Video out: VIA Unichrome Video
[dfb] (re)configuring Videolayer to 720 x 576 (720x576)

--> there is a hardcoded 720x576 at the beginning of cDFBVideoOut::cDFBVideoOut() : the mode change doesn't seem to affect the video layer, and the following error continues...

videoLayer->SetScreenLocation(0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000)Caught: action=IDirectFBDisplayLayer::SetScreenLocation(float, float, float, float), result=Invalid area present! (!!!) *** WARNING [Application exited without deinitialization of DirectFB!] *** [../../../src/core/core.c:638 in dfb_core_deinit_check()]

--> I changed the hardcoded value and the result is the same :

[dfb] (re)configuring Videolayer to 1280 x 1024 (1280x1024)
videoLayer->SetScreenLocation(0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000)Caught: action=IDirectFBDisplayLayer::SetScreenLocation(float, float, float, float), result=Invalid area present! (!!!) *** WARNING [Application exited without deinitialization of DirectFB!] *** [../../../src/core/core.c:638 in dfb_core_deinit_check()]

It seems I have the same setup than yours, but it still does not work... Argh !

I'll ask the directfb ML what the "Invalid area present!" exactly means...


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