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[vdr] Re: Looking for testers: streamdev-0.3.3-pre2

Sascha Volkenandt wrote:
> Hi,
> after having tested the pre1 with a few testers, I'd like to make the second 
> pre public...

I just tried it an found that playing a *radio* channel using

xine http://vdr:3000/ES/150

does not work any more. In the xine message window I get (hand copied)

xine: Plugin kann MRL [http://vdr:3000/ES/150] nicht öffnen
input-http: http-status ungleich 2xx: >409 Channel not available<

This used to work with 0.3.1.


xine http://vdr:3000/TS/150

kind of works now. I takes a long time for the initial buffering and is
jerky afterwards, but this did not work at all for radio channels in
0.3.1. Playing *video* channels works fine.

Vdr version is 1.3.12.


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