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[vdr] Re: Streamdev: streaming without changing channel

Olivier Jacques wrote:
Using streamdev, I would like to stream whatever channel is currently
active, without changing it.
If I'm currently watching channel #12, I would like streamdev to stream it
and follow when VDR channel is changed (via remote or timer or...).
I would very much like this feature as well (this includes many Freevo users). Ideally I'd like for streamdev to be VDR's primary device. Then a client (mplayer) could connect to http://ip:port/PS/primary (or similar) and change channels using SVDRP (or remote, etc). This way the client would not have to make a new connection and rebuffer every time the channel is changed, it would simply pick it up as the stream is altered.

Is it currently possible? (sorry if the info is somewhere - I didn't found
I don't think this is possible right now... please someone correct me if I'm wrong.


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