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[vdr] Re: Max. Filesize

My answer was not very I redo it...sorry
On FAT32, the max file size is 2G.
If you set a max file size in VDR that is larger than 2G and you write on a FAT32 partition, then you are in trouble because VDR will write the recording up to max size. When reaching the 2G, it will continue to append on the same file.
Even if it succeeds (I don't know if it is possible), you could not see the file in your filesystem. ls or your file explorer could not show it since its size exceeds the limit of FAT32.
And may be that the disk space used for the file would not be freed (this I'm not sure...)

So you can set a larger value if your /video folder (or whatever) lies on a filesystem that supports files larger than 2G else don't do it ;)

I hope this answer is a little bit more clear that my previous one ;)

Biglui wrote:

Hi everybody, why ist the max. Filesize in the VDR limited to 2000 MB?


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