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[vdr] R: Re: Sysinfo plugin

Thx for the answer, i am studying the two solutions...

-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: [] Per conto di
Clemens Kirchgatterer
Inviato: marted́ 5 ottobre 2004 20.08
Oggetto: [vdr] Re: Sysinfo plugin

<> wrote:

> Same day ago, i start to modify the pilot-plugin for create a new one.

> This new plugins show the system information, the linux kernel 
> version, the cpu type and cpu frequency, the cpu usage, and the memory

> usage. Now I have stop the work because i don't know how refresh the 
> data on osd, for test i create a for loop, but this for block all the 
> vdr. I have think that the thread is the solution, but i have not 
> understood how using it.

either use posix threads directly (man pthread_create) or derive your
plugin from vdr's class cThread (mainly a c++ wrapper around pthreads).

the vdr-games plugin uses the first methode, most other plugins probably
the latter. i suggest having a look there.

come back with a more specific question then. ;-)

best regards ...

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it is possible by writing self modifying code!"

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