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[vdr] Re: VDR-Clients similar to Yamaha MusicCAST?

----- Original Message ----- From: "Emil Naepflein" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, October 11, 2004 4:47 AM
Subject: [vdr] VDR-Clients similar to Yamaha MusicCAST?


last year Yamaha presented the MusicCAST system which provides an easy
multi room audio solution. Especially nice are the wireless client
systems with LCD display.

Does someone know simple and not to expensive client hardware which can
be used to build a similar system with VDR?

Or does someone know what the protocol used by Yamaha is?


I have a couple of these in my house:

They are totally open source right from the firmware to the server software which is written entirely in perl so it runs great right on my VDR box. One bonus with these guys is that they can be sync'd to play the same music (or not) so it's possible to have the same song playing throughout the house. They have both a wireless and wired version.

I love mine and I highly recommend them.

Have fun!

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