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[vdr] Re: cDvbDevice::ProvidesTransponder problem

André Weidemann wrote:
matthieu castet wrote:
If you know why those bitmasks are compared the way they are, then maybe we can find a fix for this problem. The easiest way was to turn the "!=" int to a "==" but this might cause some new problems, so I never tried.

yes I think we should try replacing != with ==, but this will lead with the problem I explain (every channel will be reload the first time you watch it)
For fixing that behavior, we need to find what modify the channel. For that we need to activate logging in channel::Set* (comment the if(Log) ).
After that I think we need to check if the new value are not the same as the old value and in this case don't set the modification flag.

Actually I don't have access to my dvb card, so I couldn't test anything


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