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[vdr] Re: [PATCH] fix incomplete sections in streamdev-0.3.2-pre2 client

> Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
> A read() from a section filter file handle delivers one complete
> section. I don't really like to have to fiddle around with pipes
> here. If 'streamdev' delivers section data, just make it so that
> it delivers one complete section at a time.

I don't like this patch either, but it was the easiest way to make
streamdev section filters to work (or well, they sort of work without
it, but drop most of the packets).

The problem is: how does the streamdev know vdr has read the section
packet from the pipe? If it hasn't, then sending another full section
into the packet will result in reading both sections from the pipe in
VDR, and then the resulting length is greater than packet length, and
both section packets are dropped.

I'd suggest that the section data reception is put behind some
abstraction in the cDevice, and VDR core receives the section data
without handling file descriptors directly...


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