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[vdr] bitstreamout and mp3?


how can I send the decoded MP3 to the SPDIF out using bitstreamout? Werner
says it would be easy if vdr-mp3 used PlayAudio() but it doesn't ... Any idea? 

Basically, sending sound to the SPDIF works if I use mpg123 on the command
line for example (VIA8231 / VT1612A), using /dev/dsp0. 'mp3 -D /dev/dsp0'
_might_ work as well but since I'm using bitstreamout the audio device is
blocked, and bitstreamout doesn't give way to another process attempting
to open /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p.

What gives? 

Beware of Programmers who carry screwdrivers.
		-- Leonard Brandwein

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