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[vdr] R: Re: R: Re: ANNOUNCE: sysinfo-0.0.2 plugin

Yes this is a bug, next version will are without this bug!!!

-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: [] Per conto di
Inviato: venerd́ 22 ottobre 2004 21.01
Oggetto: [vdr] Re: R: Re: ANNOUNCE: sysinfo-0.0.2 plugin wrote:
> Yes in a next version...
> In the todo list there is
> -cpu temp
> -fan speed
> Coming soon
> -----Messaggio originale-----
> Da: [] Per conto 
> di Markus Kahle
> Inviato: venerd́ 22 ottobre 2004 14.20
> A:
> Oggetto: [vdr] Re: ANNOUNCE: sysinfo-0.0.2 plugin
> Am 18.10.2004 um 23:16 schrieb <>:
>>a second release of a plugin called sysinfo is now available. Sysinfo
>>is able to show same info about the pc, cpu type memory quantity, 
>>kernel type, and the usage of the cpu and memory, all on osd.
> Hi , i haven't tried you new plugin yet, just a little question:
> Do you think it will be possible to include some kind of info about
> Motherborad-Temperature and CPU-Temperature ?
> in LinVDR there is already a tool included , which does the job of
> displaying CPU and MB Temperature in the Shell .
> It's called mbmon.
> Maybe it is possible to include such am info into sysinfo-plugin ?
> Bye, Markus
I noticed that there is an option in vdr's plugin menu for sysinfo to 
close on "OK".  When I set that to "yes", the plugins does not close.  I

must still use the back/exit key.  Is this a bug?


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