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[vdr] Re: VDR developer version 1.3.14


Laurence Abbott writes:
 > Had a go last night and it seemed fine for a few hours for both live TV
 > and recordings but then I lost live TV again, as I did with 1.3.13. This

Me too.  The dvb-drivers are probably not a problem (rather new from
CVS), but 1.3.14 has something weird on tuning that has not been there
earlier (I had to go back to 1.3.13 since 1.3.14 did not work). 

In addition to this problem where no TV is available after watching a
recording, there was another problem: for some reason one mux (YLE)
stopped working properly at some point: I could tune to one of the
channels but another channel on the same mux did not work.

I did not test properly, and as it is a "production system", I just
reverted back to 1.3.13.  It might have been also problem in the
transmission, anyway, but since you have similar problems I thought
better to tell.  

TT DVB-C budget + vdr-xine


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