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[vdr] Re: vdr-xine on gentoo ?


Gregoire Favre wrote:

I use a Matrox G550 too and xine's drivers vidix / vidixfb keep the CPU load low on normal channels (720x576). But with HDTV (1920x1080) the driver runs into the mentioned hardware limitation. So I currently use xshm / fb for HDTV where I'm not able to replay it fluently at 1920x1080 but just at 50 % of the original resolution (press "Alt+1" in xine).

If you are really interested in HDTV then try to find a card that is supported by xine's xxmc driver (NVIDIA, as far as I recall).
Thank you very much for this explanation, I search for info about xxmc
in xine, but I can't find anything usefull... I have tried to go on
channel #xine on IRC without more success...

Could you tell me where I could find information about which cards
support what?
I hope the following link is a starting point:

Dipl.-Inform. (FH) Reinhard Nissl

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