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[vdr] vdr with vdr-xine : "Restart" does not restart VDR


I finally gave a try to vdr-xine. Great thanks to Sebastian @ for providing the necessary Debian packages for XFree86 with XvMV / Via CLE266 and patched libxine, et al.
I also use Darren Salt's Debian VDR packages (with the runvdr recoded in C).

The problem : when I use the VDR menu to restart VDR (in order to reload the DVB kernel modules), VDR does no stop, with the following syslog trace :

Oct 31 09:39:39 vdr vdr[21603]: confirm: Redémarrer?
Oct 31 09:39:40 vdr vdr[21603]: confirmed
Oct 31 09:39:40 vdr vdr[21603]: initiating emergency exit
Oct 31 09:39:40 vdr vdr[21603]: emergency exit requested - shutting down
Oct 31 09:40:11 vdr last message repeated 390118 times
Oct 31 09:40:32 vdr last message repeated 262700 times

(yes, the repeated message is "emergency exit requested - shutting down")

The video on the xine-ui does not stop. After that, I have to kill -9 all VDR processes, and restart it. Then xine-ui does not catch up to the reconnected VDR, and I have to stop it also.

BTW : video and sound quality is very good, and CPU usage is very low with XvMC (1% xine, 8% X, 8% VDR)

Nicolas Huillard
Directeur Technique
GHS Solutions Interactives
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