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[vdr] Re: Converting channels.conf from 1.3.x to 1.2.6

On Mon Nov 08, 2004 1:20 pm guy.roussin Wrote

> Is somebody created a script (perl?) to convert channels.conf 
> from vdr-1.3.x format to vdr-1.2.6 format ? 

The new format looks like this :
BBC ONE:651000:T34M64:T:6952:600:601=eng,602=eng:605:0:0:61472:1101:0

The old format looked like :
BBC ONE:651:M64:T:6952:600:601,602:605:501:0:61472:1101:0

How about you run a command like :
gawk -F":" '{printf "%s:%.3s:%s:%s:%s:%.3s:%.3s:%.3s:%.3s:%s:%s:%s:%
s\n",$1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12,$13}' < channels.conf > channels-

This will trim the fields down to size and put them in a new file.
Note - This is a pretty simple script (come on it is not bad for one line)
It will strip off any alternative channels (eg in this example there are 2 
audio feeds 601 and 602) This will drop 602.
This only works if you have 3 digit PIDs.  If you have 4 digit ones you'll 
have to play with it.
This will probably throw a fit if you have a line to break up the channels 
into groups like '@Movie Channels'

Next time remember to keep a backup before upgrading ;)


PS - Http://
A blatent advert for a web site with useful scripts and advise of VDR and 
other PVRs   :)

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