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[vdr] Re: Edited VDR-streams getting off-sync

On Tue, Dec 28, 2004 at 03:39:44PM +0200, René Hertell wrote:

> Now we just need some confirmations from other users who record and cut 
> recordings (i would prefer live tv-shows etc. where you can see more 
> clear if the audio is off-sync). Then we need someone who knows what's 
> going wrong with the MPEG-stream during the editing-process... :)

I haven't used VDR cutting for ages... has a -cut switch, and if I want to cut a reccording I use
the cut_in_place which take at most 5 seconds on my box to do the cut...
And with both method, everything is in sync :-)

And that both with recording made with FF and budget...
	Grégoire Favre

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