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[vdr] Re: xine plugin noSignal pes


Ben Buxton wrote:

I'd like to customise the 'noSignal.pes' file used when there's no
picture to display with the vdr-xine plugin, but I'm not sure how to go
about creating this.
How would I generate this from a jpeg file?
The below script is just some info about how I have created this file.


cat noSignal.ppm \
| ppmtoy4m -F 25:1 -A 4:3 -I p -r -S 420_mpeg2 -v 2 -n 2 \
| cat >noSignal.y4m

cat noSignal.y4m \
| mpeg2enc -f 8 -a 2 -q 1 -n p -T 120 -o noSignal.m2v

tcmplex -i noSignal.m2v -p noSignal.m2a -o noSignal.mpg -m d -d 2

cp -a noSignal.mpg /space/win

rm frame_???.??

/soft/src/x/a.out < noSignal.mpg

cat *.c0 *.e0 > noSignal.pes

I've started with a 720x576 pixel image in ppm format. Attached you'll find a short piece of silence and the source of a.out.

I hope you get it working ...

BTW: be aware that noSignal.pes should be no larger than 64 kB. Otherwise vdr-xine will only play the first 64 kB which will result in bad behaviour.

This file serves for two needs:
A) xine needs a short initial stream to show the OSD (e. g. when VDR is in remote learning mode)
B) It is used to get xine into a proper state before the next channel's stream starts.

But the later succeeds only for 99% of typical usage. It's likely that B) get's dropped once I'll find a better / correct way in xine.

Dipl.-Inform. (FH) Reinhard Nissl

Attachment: "noS
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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