Original Richard Walker Modified Jamie Honan, 13 Oct 2003 How to get the Nebula, PCTV and Twinhan DST cards working, This class of cards has a bt878a as the PCI interface, and require the bttv driver. Please pay close attention to the warning about the bttv module options below for the DST card. For 2.4, make sure you are using an uptodate kernel 2.4.21 and above. For 2.6, shuffle down to the 2.6 section below. 2.6 is recommended because of it's multimedia latency support, and ease of build. 2.4 === For 2.4, make sure you are using an uptodate kernel 2.4.21 and above. This is the *only* way to go when you are experimenting with bleeding-edge stuff like DVB and Dxr3. Do the usual to build your kernel. (remember to enable the V4L functionality) I'd recommend you install and test your kernel, rather than diving straight into the bt878 stuff. Download http://bytesex.org/patches/2.4.xxx/11-v4l2-api-2.4.xxxxxx.diff.gz and apply this to your kernel source tree. For example: $ cd /usr/src $ patch -p0 < ~/11-v4l2-api-2.4.21-rc4.diff This will patch your kernel to include support for VideoForLinux 2. For those who don't know, kernels < 2.5 only support V4L 1 out-of-the-box. If you are using kernel 2.5.x (or 2.6.x) then V4L2 is built-in. You need to use 'dvb-kernel', along with 'bttv' to talk to your card. Download http://bytesex.org/bttv/bttv-0.9.12.tar.gz or above and unpack it. This is the first version that will not hang your card. Using this version of Grab dvb-kernel from CVS: $ cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@linuxtv.org:/cvs/linuxtv login $ cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@linuxtv.org:/cvs/linuxtv co dvb-kernel No patching of bttv is required from any patches in the dvb-kernel tree. (You do have to do the v4l stuff above). Not, at last, the DVB stuff can be built! Just do it the usual way: $ cd dvb-kernel/build-2.4 $ ./getlinks $ make $ make install 2.6 === For 2.6, life is a lot easier, assuming you use 2.6.0-test7 and above. The bttv does not need to be patched. Checkout dvb-kernel. Do everything as per the README in dvb-kernel. Loading Modules =============== Use and modify the insmod-bt8xx.sh script in the build-2.4 directory to start and stop your drivers. The insmod script should be modified so that one of: # Nebula insmod nxt6000.o # or Pinnacle PCTV insmod cx24110.o # or DST insmod dst.o is selected as a frontend. Note well. The insmod bttv.o i2c_hw=1 card=0x68 The bttv driver will HANG YOUR SYSTEM IF YOU DO NOT SPECIFY THE CARD FOR THE DST! Pay attention to failures to load these frontends. (E.g. dmesg, /var/log/messages). Cheers, Richard Walker, addendum (without permission: mistakes are therefore mine) Jamie Honan