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[linux-dvb] How to replay the TS strem file getted from Nova?

Frankta writes:
 > Hi,
 >    I have a Nova card.By using this card and test_dvr.c I have recorded the TS stream  into a file .The quetion is how to replay it?
 >    I also have a Netstream 2000 from sigmadesigns,it can replay .vdr file but cannot replay this TS stream.
 >    I tried to convert this file to pes by using ts2pes, the resulted file still cannot work.
 >    I tried to add PAT PMT at the begin of the file by hand,still cannot work.
 >    Any help will be really appreciated.

If you have a DVB with decoder:

ntuxplayer -s file.ts


ntuxplayer -a APID -v VPID -i TS_STREAM file.ts

if it isn't able to figure out the PIDs by itself.


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