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[linux-dvb] Re: How to replay the TS strem file getted from Nova?

I have been attempting to use ts2ps as suggested, but the ts2ps program
dosent appear to do anything. Is it supposed to convert the file
specified in the parameter to a ps file with the same name, or output it
to standard out?

Neither appear to work for me.

Any suggestions? (usage log below)



[root@buffy mpegtools]# ./streamtype ../qq
Reading ../qq
[root@buffy mpegtools]# ./ts ../qq
ts2pes       ts2ps        ts_demux     ts_es_demux  tspids
[root@buffy mpegtools]# ./ts2ps ../qq
Reading ../qq
usage: ts2ps <filename> <PID1> <PID2>
    or ts2ps <PID1> <PID2> < <filename> (or pipe)
 if pids = 0 the program searches for them
[root@buffy mpegtools]# ./ts2ps ../qq 0 0
Reading ../qq
video PID: 162 (0xa2)
audio PID: 162 (0xa2)
[root@buffy mpegtools]# ./ts2ps ../qq 162 162
Reading ../qq
[root@buffy mpegtools]#

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marcus O.C. Metzler []
> Sent: 08 August 2001 10:25
> To: Frankta
> Cc: linuxTV
> Subject: [linux-dvb] How to replay the TS strem file getted from Nova?
> Frankta writes:
>  > Hi,
>  >    I have a Nova card.By using this card and test_dvr.c I 
> have recorded the TS stream  into a file .The quetion is how 
> to replay it?
>  >    I also have a Netstream 2000 from sigmadesigns,it can 
> replay .vdr file but cannot replay this TS stream.
>  >    I tried to convert this file to pes by using ts2pes, 
> the resulted file still cannot work.
>  >    I tried to add PAT PMT at the begin of the file by 
> hand,still cannot work.
>  >    Any help will be really appreciated.
>  > 
>  > 
> You can use ts2ps or mplex to turn the TS into a PS. AFAIK the
> Netstream2000 software needs PAT and PMT for TS playback, so you could
> open filters to get the original PAT and PMT and reinsert them into
> the TS, or you can make your own PAT and PMT and insert them not only
> at the beginning, but at regular intervals in the file. I tried the
> Netstream with a full TS taken fromn the Nova, but it couldn't handle
> it, I had to reboot. The whole driver and replay program package from
> sigma is a crazy concept anyway. They should just write a 
> usable driver.
> Marcus
> -- 
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Dr. Marcus Metzler                             
> Convergence Integrated Media GmbH          
> Rosenthaler Str. 51                   
> D-10178 Berlin                             
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> -- 
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