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[linux-dvb] Re: SV: Re: embedded DVB box?!

Henrik Rasmussen wrote:
>>Yes,that's what I want to do.Is it possible to use the HDD
>>directly without fsck.
>>What I means is that when the the OS is in flash card and the HDD
>>is just for recording.When the power is off by accedent,and when
>>the PC is booted up when the power is back again,how can I skip
>>the fsck on HDD so that I can go on my recording asap.I think the
>>VDR is also needed to be modified to support such exceptions.
>>Best regards,
> I seem to remember that many of the small distro's used with flashdisks has
> a compressed image on the flash and then uses a ramdisk as root disk. This
> way the flashdisk isn't mounted all the time and disk access is limited
> which will   make the flash disk last longer.
> Regards,
> Henrik Rasmussen

Take a closer look to my solution, ramfs is easier to handle then ram discs

With the new features, which I have requested

- write epg-data to a different place
- wait for harddisc spinup in case of recording

I have a silent system.

P.S. Klaus, my 80 GB Maxtor-HD need 6.x sec. to spin-up.


I built a minimized system for running vdr in a dedicated system in less 
then 12 MB.

I've uploadet this stuff to  (3.7 MB)

The tarball contains the root file system from *my* vdr-machine.
The documentation is not ready yet (only a little bit in german).

Some ideas & features:

- devfs, ramfs

- it copies the nessesary files into a ram based fs and turns
   the hd off (But see feature request later in this mail)

- driver loading, unloading & vdr starting automaticly after booting

- nfs-server,telnet, glibc 2.2.3, Midnight Commander

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