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[linux-dvb] Re: Remote control of rev 2.1 cards

Ingo Janetzki writes:
 > Joachim Franek schrieb:
 > > 
 > > >From a posting of Ingo Janetzki:
 > > > Convergence are able to return events for key press/release of this rcu.
 > > > I tested it and it works.
 > > 
 > > I hve looked to the driver code, but have not found this events.
 > > 
 > You'll find the only little block of code in dvb.c. It's about line 738
 > in my driver's version. Simply search for "ircommand".
 > The code captured from the remote control is output to the log file only.

I wrote an extension for dvb.c to support the remote control auf the
rev 2.1 cards over the weekend. It works great for me. I append the

My code works as a plugin for lirc_dev and registers the device
/dev/lirc. So you can use the LIRCD function of DTV. I also append the
lircd.conf. It was copied from the hauppauge wintv conf and modified.

In dtv.conf you can then configure the keys to some functions:

set lircd_table_2 {
   { {CH+ rem1}     "+" } { {CH- rem1} "-" } { {MUTE rem1}  "a" }
   { {FULL_SCREEN rem1}     "o" } { {RADIO rem1}  "r" } { {TV rem1} "g" }
   { {SOURCE rem1} "y" } { {VOL+ rem1} "b" } { {0 rem1}     "0" }
   { {1 rem1}      "1" } { {2 rem1}    "2" } { {3 rem1}     "3" }
   { {4 rem1}      "4" } { {5 rem1}    "5" } { {6 rem1}     "6" }
   { {7 rem1}      "7" } { {8 rem1}    "8" } { {9 rem1}     "9" }

I am not really shure about the correctness of the code. If someone
can look over it and comment. Especially I am unshure about the
waitqueue code. Also the code could go into a separate module. Then
dvb.c at least would have to export the global variable irdate where
IR_handle exports the scancodes.


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