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[linux-dvb] Re: suggestions for VDR

Johannes Schoeller wrote:
> hi all! (and especially KLAUS of course)
> version 0.92 is great! EPG on cinedom! that.s what
> been wainting for for such a long time! thank you!!
> and i have 2 suggestions i.d like to make:
> .) add the possibility to MARK one broadcast, so VDR switches
> to that channel automatically, and i can watch this program.
> i don.t want to record it, but just not forget to switch channels.
> (eg. tagesschau....)

Well, maybe... but very low priority...

> .) add a special field in channels.conf to correct the EPG
> time offset of the frensh and spanish bouquets.
> (eg. the frensh are 2h in the future..)

The standard says that the times have to be UTC - aren't those stations
able to broadcast the data according to the standard???


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