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[linux-dvb] Re: Announcement: epg2timers 0.3 - a package that allows you to program vdr timers via the web EPG at

Andreas Schultz wrote:
> > 1.  The perl script "" transfers this "merkliste"
> >     from the web site to a local file "merkliste.html".
> [...]
> One question, have you spooken to them wether they like (or at least
> dont care) if do this? 

Hi Andreas,

I had given this subject some thought before I wrote the README file.
My conclusion is: We are using their service in exactly the way
they want us to. The selection of programs is done via the web, we see 
their banner ads. Basically, we do exactly the same thing as everyone
else who is using their free service. The service is paid for by the
banner ads.

So, I am 100% sure that I am not violating their interest the slightest
little bit. I see no need to waste my time and get in touch with them.

> Some people would certainly be pissed if you use
> there service this way, also there might be a way to get the list in an
> more stable and easily parsable format (.csv?) from them.

What takes you to that conclusion?
I believe the opposite is true. 
They should thank me for additional customers.
If we had constructed software that downloads their EPG data and makes
them available for local selection without their banner ads, it might 
have been a different story. This we did not do, so we are safe.


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