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[linux-dvb] Re: AW: DVB-C Rev.2.1 and J2

On Thu, Jan 03, 2002 at 09:57:44AM +0100, Rienecker, Fa. Evenio, ITS P, M wrote:
> Hello,
> even more interesting would be:
> The DVB-C provides a 10-pin connector on the layout where we would expect
> the J2 connector. But nobody has been able to find out if it is a J2
> connector, so far. Since Siemens provides almost anything on the external
> connector you would need the J2 most probably only for an internal
> connection e.g. for SPDIF.
> I just wasn't brave enough to just try out.

I have a TechnoTrend DVB-C card, so I don't have Siemens' external 
connector :(

How should I go about finding out what the "J2" connector provides? 

> Greeting,
> CR.

-- Lauri

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