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[linux-dvb] Re: script for generating /video/sub with symbolic links ?

First: I think this should be in VDR mailing-List...

> Does anyone has created a script which is able to make the appropriate
> files
> under /video with automatic sym-links to another (video-)file ?

> My mainproblem is, the /video/MovieName/2001-12-03.21\:11.50.50.rec Subdir
> ?
I understand your problem...

> How do I create this automatically ?
> And the next Problem is, how to generate "index.vdr"  "summary.vdr" (the
> last
> one could be empty, couldn't it ?)
Index can be created by a simple programm - look at the list-archive..

> BTW: A File Browser would be great in VDR :-)

Some Time ago klaus sayed he want to add a hirarchical Recordings -Structure - so you can define aditional
subdirīs thatīs exact what you need...

I have solved this problem by my own way:
(this takes some time but it workīs in Background)

first i cutt a movie and create the new file 
so i get a movie-Entry wich begin with %

then i start a scritp wich collect all 00x.vdr files from my /video0 /vieo1 /video.... to one 
local temp directory - then i have exact the same directory-File-Structure on my TEMP-DIR like at Video0 -. but all 00x.vdr files are in 1 Directory

Then i can burn it to DVD - or save it to my SERVER-HD

This is the step for you:

I have mounted 2 NFS-Devices from my Server for example /max1 /max2 into a local Directory called /colmax and this directory is linked into the /video0 Directory of my VDR

All i have to do is to call a short scritp wich copy the TEMP-File to one of this /max directorys and the solution is that i can watch all the movies... without any problem

Same when i watch a movie recorded on DVD - i only mount DVD and link the /DVD to /video0 - thatīs all...

The only important thing is that all 00x.vdr files are in 1 Directory...



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