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[linux-dvb] Re: WinTV Nova: Drivers working, but no Video

PSIplus writes:
 > Hi!
 > > The Nova card needs a software MPEG2 decoder. The hardware only
 > > delivers the MPEG data. MPlayer and Xine cannot play the TS stream
 > > that comes from /dev/ost/dvr.
 > > Try "cat /dev/ost/dvr | ts2ps 0 0 | mplayer -" or the euivalent for
 > > xine, if possible. You may need to put the program buffer in that
 > > pipe.
 > Yeah, But my Problem is: There is nothing coming throught this device, not 
 > even an unknown stream!
 > psiplus:/etc/init.d# analyze /dev/ost/dvr
 > analyze
 > Reading /dev/ost/dvr
 > If I want to analyze the Stream, it stopps...
 > If I have tuxzap opened:
 > psiplus:/etc/init.d# analyze /dev/ost/dvr
 > analyze
 > /dev/ost/dvr: Device or resource busy
 > This error appears...
 > I used the Astra-Channel list from "examples", but I don't think that's wrong 
 > (or is it?) -> dvbrc.astra -> ~/.dvbrc
 > Do you know what's the Problem?

You have to use the demux device to tell the driver which pids it is
supposed to send to the dvr device. You can use ntuxzap -e, so that
you always get the audio and video streams from the channel tuned by
ntuzap send to the dvr device. Or you could read the documentation in
the driver sources or on and write your own program.


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