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[linux-dvb] Teletext with vdr 1.0.3


I hope it is all right posting this problem to two
lists, because I'm not sure, what exactly is the problem...

As far as I see, something changed in the DVB driver:

I changed to vdr 1.0.3 and the dvb-driver mentioned for
this vdr release on Klaus's download page 
(siemens_dvb-0.9.4-2002-05-20.tgz) some days ago.

Since that, I can't use teletext (with my tv decoder) any more.

Playing around with my vdr and dvb driver versions, I found
that teletext is "switched off" when starting vdr with the
driver from 2002-05-20. I see the n-tv text from loading the driver,
but then it stops. It is also stopped if I use another vdr version
(e.g. vdr 1.0.0pre 5).
The latest dvb-version I tried (2002-06-08) also had this problem. 

If I use an older dvb-driver, (e.g. 2002-04-20) everything works fine.

I can't see any changes in the dvb driver changelog between the two 
versions regarding teletext.

Can anybody confirm my problems? 
Is it more a "VDR"-list or a "DVB"-list thread?!? 
Thank you!


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