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[linux-dvb] stupidity alert (Re: HOWTO for DVB-C card?)


> If we can figure out why the NEWSTRUCT driver works for you and the old
> one doesn't, then we could fix the old one.

I just got the old driver to work with my card. The "it takes forever to
load" problem still persists (see following message), but it _does_ work
now and VDR works as expected, including the on-screen display.

Now I feel stupid.

Why? Because I don't know what I did before that I haven't done today. The
kernel is the same, the driver and app sources are the same (no cvs
checkout today), I'm sure that I didn't do anything different this time,
so I feel very much like a clueless newbie here.

Sorry, can't give you a helpful problem report on what went wrong before.
Works now, didn't before, don't know why. Umph.

Thanks & Greetings,


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