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[linux-dvb] Re: WinTV Nova-CI, DiSEqC and dvbtune wrote:
> I have a WinTV Nova-CI and a DiSEqC switch; the actual (CVS) driver
> seems not able to send DiSEqC messages (there is a "// FIXME: support DiSEqC"
> in the file dvb.c); I have tried to fix this and now my driver copy
> work; I have found the specification of the tuner (BSRU6-502A) on a
> Russian site (at the end there are
> some links). 

I applied you patch, please test. I don't have this card here. Could you 
please test the NEWSTRUCT branch, too?

> I have also tried to fix the code for the STV0299 chips so
> (I hope correctly); the value returned by the FE_READ_SIGNAL_STRENGTH 
> would be scaled and I do not know how to do this.

We changed the API semantics in the NEWSTRUCT branch, now it's much easier.

> I usually use dvbtune 0.3 to tune the card but my DiSEqC switch use
> the tone burst so I have made a very little modification to use the
> -D command line switch of dvbtune to generate only the tone burst 
> (-D -1 generate the A tone burst and -D -2 generate the B tone burst).

I can't patch dvbtune. Please contact the author to get your patch applied.

> A little question: what is FE_READ_AFC? There isn't into the documentation!

This was only used internally to prevent the AFC running to it's limits. 
But since it never worked as expected this code is disabled right now.


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