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[linux-dvb] Re: problems with a mostly lockable signal

Jeremy Hall wrote:

I'm seeing driver crashes with the HEAD CVS, have so for some time
now.  It happens when the signal lock is on the fringe, and there is much
difficulty in receiving the signal.  Are there sanity checks in the driver
to try and avoid crashing the ARM?

Sometimes the arm crashes without whining about it in the log.
There is no way to check sanity of the MPEG stream before passing it to the ARM. What frontend are you using? The stv0299 is known to produce garbled transport streams at poor receiption.

The L64781 should pass only valid TS data, maybe my last commit configuring the L64781 to another stream mode broke this. Please try to revert my commit from 2002/11/21 11:27:28 and report if this solves your problem.

The kdvb-fe thread is intended to check the frontend status regulary and shut down the ARM when the TS is not known to be stable.


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