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[linux-dvb] Re: SOLVED: skystar2 rev 2.6B drivers working?

On Tue, 6 Jan 2004 20:55:29 +0100
Norbert Schechner <> wrote:

> I tried "i", deinterlacing with 1 and 0, no difference, may be you know the 
> running information text on the bottom of the screen from NTV, it is not 
> possible to read them. (Unfortunately with WIN 2000 on the same machine they 
> lock quiet good).

Maybe it depends on what kind of deinterlacer is used.
I'm not familiar with xine, but if you capture a stream from
/dev/dvb/adaper0/dvr0 and play it with mplayer you can try
the option "-vf pp=md", which will deinterlace really well.
(mplayer -pphelp to know about other deinterlacers or enhancers)

Another problem that usually happens is that the picture is too
dark and colored.
Try the command "xgamma -gamma 2.0", your display should become (too much)
brighter: if it doesn't work, your gfx card doesn't support gamma
correction; if it does, try a value around 1.5 and play with
"mplayer -zoom -vo x11" (because "-vo xv" may bypass the gamma

> > - objects in motion are not detailed and composed of squares; this is
> > an MPEG compression artifact, the channel you're watching is broadcasting a
> > low quality stream, there is no solution (keep in mind that a channel
> > which appears good on a TV may appear bad on a PC because PC monitors
> > are much better so defects are more visibles)
> you are right, there are channels with better and lower quality, but I do 
> think there should not be a big difference between Win2000 and Linux.

As both receive the same MPEG bits, you have to find a solution
which involves deinterlacing, deblocking, temporal denoising, gamma,
autolevels and other postprocessing.

The "scrolling text unreadable" issue is definitively related to interlace.

> I looked at the sources, (.../dvb-kernel/linux/driver/media/dvb/b2c2), but I 
> am realy not shure how to enable the debugging. I tried to modificate the 
> skystar2.c (static int debug = 0, 1 and 2), but I have never seen any 
> difference.

You activate debug mode by "modprobe skystar2 debug=1" (or 2). If you change the source,
you change the default value of debug.

There should be messages in dmesg output related to pid filters, then.

> I don't get errors during make, but during make install

The errors could be related to other drivers. I use to copy the modules
manually into lib/modules/`uname -r`/misc (for my 2.3p skystar2 they are
skystar2.o mt312.o and dvb-core.o on kernel 2.4.22). You are not interested
in successfully compile and install everything.

   Roberto Ragusa    r.ragusa at

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