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[linux-dvb] AW: Re: AW: tzap (apps-1.1.0) modification

Hi Carsten,

>> (I have left the mailing list around version 0.5, when it became imposible
>> just to "cat /dev/video > file.mpg". I implemented a "time" limit just via
>> "dd if=/dev/video count=..." and stood with that old version until now :-)

>Have you ever considered using VDR instead?

Of course I did. But at that time it was too unstable for me.
I don't know exactly the main problems any more. Also it appeared
to me that the av_pes was much less prone for pic/sound hangings
than pes, but av_pes was not supported any more. (The driver was
only 1/3 the size without av_pes, if I remember correctly, so could
understand Markus to do that step ;-)

However, the older vdr's were too unstable, the newer not working
with av_pes any more, and my cat /dev/video was just everything 
I needed.

Now there are more and more tv channels with different multiplexing,
which are very badly handled by the old 0.5 dvb driver (at least on
playback, again with "cat > /dev/video"). On the other hand, in the
recent versions this doesn't seem to be a problem any more. So here
I am again :-) And at least for the living room I definitely will
use vdr. It is very good! But maybe in my own room I still stay with
"at"-recording, so there was the right post just the right moment.


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