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[linux-dvb] Re: tt dvb-c 2.1 and signal quality

Torbjörn Jansson wrote:

I have done some more testing.
If I start the kernel with the option "no-hlt" I get almost the same
improvement as when running a program that just consumes cpu.
I get some bit errors but most of the time uncorected errors is zero or very

I had the exact same symptoms on my two Siemens DVB-C FF-cards (rev 1.5) in two different cable networks and three different computers. Cards worked usually fine some time, and then ber rose high and picture was unwatchable, full cpu usage helped sometimes for a while.
My cards were fixed with adjusting the AFC-value on ves1820 module. Just give pwm=0xNN and verbose=1 as options to the module, with verbose you get the AFC-correction values the module does into /var/log/messages. On my cards the best setting was pwm=0x54 (original value is 0x52), then AFC correction varies usually between 0 and -1. My BER values dropped a lot, and now the cards work error free even if driven continuously for a week.

I remember that you wrote about this problem before, but I´m not sure if you got this advice already (or if this even applicable to your card).

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