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[linux-dvb] Re: SkyStar2 How To

Ronaldo Richieri wrote:
Hellow!! I am a newby using this dvb driver.
I'd like to know if I am making something wronk because I am not able to lock the transponder on "scan" app, or get the video with mplayer running szap with my transponder setting.
The steps I did (I am using RedHat 9 with Kernel 2.4.20-8):
- download dvb driver and apps (lasts version)
- run build2-4/ load
The drivers loaded, a lot of then (a frontend too)
- then and setup the szap config file for my transponder and runned it. But I think it didn't lock the transponder, since my status is 03.
Which are the fields I need to put at channel.config? Where can I find more information about this file?
Thanks a lot,
Ronaldo Richieri
channels.config is created from "scan"-output. If scan does not work properly you should check the following:

* Are there digital free-to-air stations available in Brazil? Is your dish directed properly?
* Is the skystar2 driver loaded properly? dmesg should show some info about this.
* Is the right frontend driver loaded? If you have an (old) rev2.3 card you need mt312, for newer (2.6) cards stv0299.

If all of the above is met, running scan should give you a list of all available stations. After running for some time (could take several minutes) it should put out this list to stdout, you should redirect this output to a file "channels.conf".

Hope that helps,


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