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[mpeg2] select syscall on kfir /dev/video0


A select() on a kfir file handle does not seem to work.
Even though there is no data, select() is not triggered.

Is this because the poll system call is not implemented in kfir.c ?
It seems to do very little:

static unsigned int kfir_poll(struct video_device *dev, struct file *file,
                              poll_table *wait)
        //struct kfir_dev *kfir=(struct kfir_dev *) dev;
        unsigned int mask=0;

        return mask;    

I need a proper select() mechanism for reading 2 kfir streams


 Bram Stolk, VR Specialist.
 SARA Academic Computing Services Amsterdam, PO Box 94613, 1090 GP  AMSTERDAM
 email:   Phone +31-20-5923059  Fax +31-20-6683167

 "I heard if you play the NT-4.0-CD backwards, you get a satanic message."
 "Thats nothing, if you play it forward, it installs NT-4.0"

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