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[vdr] Re: CPU too fast??, Fa. Evenio, ITS P, M)  15.10.01 13:58

Once upon a time Rienecker, Fa. Evenio, ITS P, M shaped the electrons to say...

>Hi to everyone,
>I was very sceptical reading this thread about CPU's beeing to fast
>the previous week with strange effects like trying to record MPEG1....

The error message is missleading:
VDR found a data block tagged as beeing MPG1...

>I am using a Celeron 800, i.e. within the range of beeing too fast
>according to some postings. I experienced about 1 or two  MPEG1 errors
>an hour and numerous "read incomplete section"-errors.

>The I double-checked my cable connection because I also found the
>effect of unsharp edges especially at vertical high contrast changes
>(e.g. white letters on blue ground like 'Tsgesschau') in analog

Using your analog sat tuner?

>I found a strange looking connection. After I reworked the
>plug I have no errors of any kind. 

>Since then all recordings since are
>flawless (using vdr-0.94-mp3-4 and siemens_dvb-0.9-20010817.tar.gz or
>siemens_dvb-0.9-20010822.tar.gz driver).

>The unsharp edges are gone, must have been reflexion causing the
>former problems.

>AND most of all, it works despite my CPU beeing labeled 'too fast'.

The "too fast" becomes obvious only the second card.
Swapping the antenna cables do not change the behaviour.

Meanwhile i found that the effect does onl occure if
if the second card is a budget card.
a full card works flawlessly.

>The restriction of my observation is: it is limited to DVB-C (i.e.
>german Telekom cable) on a single card system which is working with
>differend carrier frequencies than DVB-S.

If think it would be very useful if the driver(?) delivers
some statistical information like corrected error, 
signal noise ratio, siganl level, dropped packtes etc.
Because there are no clear indicatiors for a bad signal
like in analog TV. It's digital: it works or it does not work ;-)

Rainer---<=====>                         Vertraulich
         <=====>--------------ocholl, Kiel, Germany ------------

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