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[vdr] Re: 'cause' parameter for shutdown Schmidinger)  28.10.01 17:38

Once upon a time Klaus Schmidinger shaped the electrons to say...

>Rainer Zocholl wrote:
>> ...
>> Another minor:

>You really should post ONE item per message...

I'll try to.. :-)

but that's point was not so important.

>> Could it be paossible to add a "cause" parameter to the
>> shutdown call?
>> So the shutdown can decide if the user pressed the poweroff key,
>> or it's an idle shutdown. (Don't know which cases are ther possible)

>Is there a specific application for such a parameter?

On "idle" i have a long delay (grace) in the shutdown to stop it:
The CPU has to wait, and can wait, it's only stupid silicon.

On "user request" this delay is annyoing, because the
user has to wait, and is -of cause- not willing to, 
he just explicit said: "Turn off" and a machine has to do 
what the user said.

Imagine you want to leave home, press "off" (why wait
for the "user time out" that will occure in one or 2h when one
knows that there will nobody watching anymore the next 4h?)

Imagine you want to unplug the box.

In both cases the additionally "grace" wait time makes no sense.

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