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[vdr] MP3 Patch and drop-outs


I´m using VDR with the latest MP3-Patch. It all works great, but if I
browse throught my mp3 files with the left and right buttons, there are
short drop-outs while every new OSD-page is build.

I´m using a K6-2 350MHz 128MB Ram. It is a diskless-client (if that
matters?!) mounted "/" and "/video" over 100MBit ethernet. I´m using the
external SP/DIF out of my Rev. 2.1 card.

Anybody else with the same probleme? Is it possible to increase buffers
for the mp3player? (like mpg123 -b 3000 ...)


P.S. Does the Rev 2.1 card has an aditional internal (jumper) SP/DIF

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