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[vdr] Re: epg2timer

I had that, too. What I did to cure the problem was to limit the amount of 
text for the description in epg2timers.cxx

static const int max_summary = 250;

That cured the problem on my end.

Have no idea, though, why. wrote on 09.01.2002 10:46:07:

> Hi list,
> I have used the epg2timer script with TVTV over Xmas to get all the 
> programming of my VDR box clean, especially because of the messed 
> up PRO7 epg (I 've got the same stupid answere from them as published 
> here already) . It works realy good but one question is left:
> I had to set the timeout value in the script to an large value (>5min) 
> because the programming of the timer via SVDR is very slow. Each 
> line is updated on a ~30sec base and if you have 10 line to update 
> it lasts a while. Is this something which can be solved by configuration 

> or is there a bug in the SVDR connection? The deletion command for 
> the old timer list is fast but the update of this list is very slow.
> Why?
> Kind regards
> Manfred Schmidt-Voigt
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