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[vdr] Announcement: less-AIO

Hi all,
while building my personal VDR version based on 1.0.0pre2 I found
that it's a lot of work to make the DVD & MP3 patches working
together. Because of this, I decided to make my current personal
VDR version available for the public.

The archive is available from
I'm going to update the archive when ever I changed my personal
VDR, but the filename won't change and I not going to announce
every change here. If you're interested in this version, you
could poll the site every few days.

The archive will contain (may be with a delay of some days):
latest VDR main version (currently 1.0.0pre2)
MP3/MPlayer support
DVD support
AC3overDVB support
any substancial fix available on the list

Be warned: regarding the MP3/MPlayer support, the archive may
contain untested/poorly tested code while stepping towards a new
MP3 release.

And finaly: I don't want to compete against the great real-AIO
patch. I'm providing this archive, because I think that there are
some more users like me, who don't want the fully featured AIO,
but who are not capable to build their own personal VDR version.

Stefan Huelswitt  |

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