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[vdr] Re: Werkstofffragen

Am Montag, 25. Februar 2002 10:25 schrieben Sie:
> Currently I'm working on a watercoolant for my Computer, custom build ;)
> An aluminum block for with several ducts (?) for cooling the CPU
> (Mainbord, HD, whatever is needed) and a cooler from a motorcycle for
> cooling the water without fans.
> I'm currently gathering the parts so I can't present any pictures yet,
> but if anybody's interested I would set up a website that displays the
> progress.
> My goal is to get my normal working PC as silent as possible as cheap as
> possible (aluminum block is around 2 EUR at Ebay, cooler like 6 EUR,
> also Ebay, pump like 4 EUR, etc...)
> Thomas

Would be cool,
I'm currently thinking about this for my VDR-box and afterwards for my normal 
PC too. (only problem i have at the moment is to find enough free time :( ...)



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