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[vdr] Re: Crashes, OSD Color


I'm quite sure this is a driver problem related to power managment. After 
disabling the suspend and standby modes in the BIOS I've never seen this 
"feature" again. 


>Like some other people here i also have problems with relatively
>frequent crashes of vdr (only the task, not the whole pc)
>But since i use the daemontools from dan bernstein
>( it only takes some seconds to resart
>vdr and is much more reliable than the runvdr script which, at least for
>me, did not work very well.
>But what really "annoys" me is that after some time (varies wildly from
>10 minutes to 10 hours) the OSD Colors are completly F****D UP. So that
>it becomes impossible to read anything, so i have to restart vdr.
>That is not really a problem for me, but for the other "non-pc" guys in
>my house ist a real pain in the ass.
>So i hope anyone has found out how to fix it (or why this happens).
>I use a rev. 2.1 board
>Suse 7.3
>Vdr-1.0.1-AIO (also happens with plain vdr from 0.99 to 1.0.1)
>Cu Ulrich
>PS: i don't want to offend anyone with this posting (especially not
>klaus who did a real great job building this). I simply wnat to point
>out where are the biggest problems in my eyes.

Meinrad Sauter

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