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[vdr] ANNOUNCE: nvram-wakeup-0.03


I just released the new version 0.03 of the NVRAM WakeUp project.

This is a (small) program that can read and write the WakeUp time in the
BIOS (via /dev/nvram on recent 2.4.x kernels). On this WakeUp time the
computer will be powered on automatically from the soft-off state.

It is now available at

Here is a list of changes:

 + denotes a new feature
 * denotes a bugfix/some change
 - denotes a removed feature

2002-02-01: Version 0.03 (beta)
 * Moved the ACTUALLY_WRITE from nvram-wakeup.h to Makefile
 + Added a bunch of new boards. See nvram-wakeup-mb.h for details and credits.
   Thanks to everyone who sent me his/her boars configuration.
 + Added new mb parameters NEED_RTC, RESET_DATE, BCD
 + Adapted nvram-wakeup to use the BCD notation used on some boards.
 + README.mb is a new document containing information about how to figure
   out the addresses of the stored values.
 + Autodetecting if CMOS clock runs at GMT or local time.
   Thanks to Dr. Werner Fink <>
 * Now we require both nvram and rtc drivers (we need the latter one for
   detecting if the rtc clock is running in localtime or UTC/GMT)
 + Added a new command line option: -D (--debug).
   It enables printing of debug messages.
 + New command line option -l (--syslog) to pass all output to syslog.
 + The vdrshutdown script now makes use of the new -l (--syslog) command line
 + Introduced the variable RUN_BEFORE to use instead of 2*WAKEUP_BEFORE
   in several places. Now the two things are independant.
 + Now I tested boot.diff on a SuSE 7.2 system.
 + If there wouldn't be changed anything in nvram, don't write into it.
 * Now the exit status is always one of the following:
   0 - Sucessfully finished
   1 - We had to set (disable/enable) the wakeup date and time, but they were
       already set to proper walues. We didnt write them again.
   2 - Some error accured.
 + Modified the script vdrshutdown to take advantage of the new exit status of
   nvram-wakeup. Especially useful on MSI MS-6351, where you have to reboot
   after changing nvram.
 + Added a new programm `guess', which should help to retrieve the addresses in
   nvram guessing them from four given states. Consider this program to be
   alpha quality.
 + Added a new programm `rtc', the only thing it does: It prints the currently
   set RTC alarm time.
 + Added a man page and a new `man' rule in the Makefile

And Thanks for everyone who sent me some ideas/hints/pathces.

Have Fun!


Be careful of reading health books, you might die of a misprint.
                -- Mark Twain

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