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[vdr] Re: How to implement Interernet Radio?

On Sunday 03 February 2002 11:06, you wrote:
> Hi,
> i want to listen to, how can i implement an real audio
> player to vdr? Is there a Player available?

This isn't as difficult as it sounds.  If you install the RealSystem SDK from:

Then you get access to some sample applications - including a program called 
"testplay" which is basically a command-line version of realplayer.

To compile testplay, do the following:

1) Install RealPlayer 8
2) Un-tar the SDK anywhere 
3) cd rmasdk_6_0/samples/intermed/testplay
4) type "make -f make/linux-libc6-i386-gcc2.95.mak"
5) set the REALPLAYER_HOME variable to /usr/localRealPlayer8/ (or where you 
installed Realplayer).
6) copy "make/rel/testplay" to /usr/local/RealPlayer8/

That's it.  I also had to set the "LOCAL_LIBS" variable to "-lpthread" in the 
makefile for it to work.

You can then use this program as it stands to play your radio streams (with 
sound going to your sound card).  

It should be straightforward to modify this program so that it co-operates 
with VDR (e.g. displaying statistics on the OSD).  I don't know if it is 
possible to write an audio output driver to use the DVB card, but I think it 
should be - there are a large number of sample applications with the SDK.


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